Sidney is "Baby B" because she will be born last. Right now she is breech but when Sarah is born she should turn and within a few minutes will be out to meet her new family. The Ultrasounds at OSU Perinatal are high resolution to help determine things like the dividing wall (membrane) they found between the babies so these are some really good shots of the new twins.
look at little Sidney ani't she a cuity pie....
can you tell they look just a like? it is like looking at the same picture, but one is laying in one direction & the other is laying in the other direction. they are in there like a ying-yang symbol. it is hard to imagine them in there like that & when i feel movement in there, i have no clue which one it is b/c it could be one's hands or the other's feet.
aren't they cute. i am so excited for you.
hey lisa. how is it going? i can't wait until they get here. i'd say in about thirteen weeks they should be here.
Everything is fine over here. I am preparing to move back to my house in West Tennessee. I could not believe it when you emailed me telling me about the girls. I can not wait to meet them. How are Shelby and Samantha liking going to be big sisters??
shelby and samantha are doing great & can not wait until sidney & sarah get here. this weekend eddie & shelby got to feel the babies move, but samantha has not felt one of them move yet. she had her hand on my belly for about 20 minutes & no one would move. she will get her chance though. i bet your mom is glad to hear you are moving back to west tn. can't wait until we finally get to move back to tn. can't make any promises of when i will get to visit, but hopefully it will be soon after the girls are born so they can meet everyone. take care & happy moving :)
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