Picture Two: 27 weeks; 28 lbs weight gain
Picture Three: 32 weeks; 31 lbs weight gain
Went for a follow-up doctor and ultra sound visit this Friday. Good news! My cervix is still holding up so no need for steroids and I should be able to hold off another 3 - 5 weeks. Sarah now weighs 4 lbs and 1 oz and Sidney weighs 3 lbs and 9 oz so they are still 1/2 lbs difference on their weight, which is still great! Hard to believe I am carrying around 7 lbs 10 oz worth of baby in there. That would be the most for me b/c Shelby weighed 6 lbs and Samantha weighed 5. Probably the only still disappointing news is Sidney is still breech & most likely will stay that way, but once Sarah is born, Sidney will most likely turn on her on or the doctor maybe able to get her to turn or she could just be born breech. As long as Sarah weighs more & their weights stay about the same, the doctor said he can do it & he has done it before. Beginning next week, I go to the hospital twice a week for a Non Stress Test. Standard procedure for twins just to make sure they are not in any distress and my next follow-up is in two weeks & the next ultra sound is not until four weeks. THEY ARE ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must say thanks everyone for all your prayers and for thinking of us throughout this entire process. Hopefully the next pictures I will be posting is of when they are born :)
Hi. Jess and Eddie and ALL the girls!!
excited to see all your pictures and wish you all good luck. Please let us know when the blessed events arrive. Bob and Dorothy Dybcio, 10700 West State Rd. 10, DeMotte, Indiana 46310
also give us your home address. Love You, Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Bob
Hello Aunt Dorothy & Uncle Bob. I will put your address in our address book. Our mailing address is 1374 Newmans Cardington Rd West; Marion, OH 43302. Take care & we will be in touch letting everyone know when the babies arrive.
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