Shelby and Samantha have finished their first year of school in OH. Both did a great job this year. Shelby earned all As and Bs and has been promoted to the third grade. Samantha earned all Ss and has been promoted to the 1st grade. OH does not do K graduations like TN does, but a Tea Party is put on by the kids to celebrate all their accomplishments. We had a good time at the Tea Party. Now that summer has arrived, the girls are in TN with Eddie's parents until the twins arrive. The girls have been gone for almost 2 weeks & it is getting hard on them already. They have been having a good time, but miss Mom and Dad when we talk to them at night. They have been swimming, riding bikes, playing with cousins, going to Bible School, and even get to go to a wedding this weekend. Can't wait until they get back home.
The girls are getting to be soooo big and of course beautiful!! Give them a kiss from Uncle Tommy and Aunt Shawn when they get back home. We miss getting to see them.
Thanks for writing this.
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